The above picture was taken at the Transformed event in Florida this past weekend. It is Ray Comfort's Bible. I would venture to say that he has read his Bible more than once. I would also venture to say that his Bible does not sit on a table for very long (at least not long enough to gather dust!).
So, what do we know about God's Word?
Well, we know that...
(01) God's Word is True
(02) God's Word is Holy
(03) God's Word is Valuable
(04) God's Word is Life Changing
(05) God's Word is the Light to a Dark World
(06) God's Word is a Lamp unto my Feet
(07) God's Word is the Word of God
(08) God's Word is inerrant
(09) God's Word Never Changes
(10) God's Word is Not Open to Individual Interpretation
(11) God's Word is Expressed With Love
(12) (God's Word is Powerful
(13) God's Word is Mighty
(14) God's Word is Insightful
(15) God's Word is Piercing
(16) God's Word is Trustworthy
(17) God's Word is To Be Shared
(18) God's Word is To Be Given Away To Others
(19) God's Word is To Be Digested
(20) God's Word is God Honoring
(21) God's Word is Man's Uplifting
(22) God's Word is Either a Saving Knowledge or Foolishness to Those Who Do Not Believe
(23) God's Word is Relevant to Our Society Today
(24) God's Word is Convicting
(25) God's Word is Challenging
(26) God's Word is Bold
(27) God's Word is Wisdom
(28) God's Word is God Breathed
(29) God's Word is To Be Preached By All
(30) God's Word is Edifying
(31) God's Word is Conscience Awakening
(32) God's Word is Sustaining
(33) God's Word is Believable
(34) God's Word is History Revealed
(35) God's Word is Archeology Tested
(36) God's Word is Purposeful (not 40 days of purpose) But A Lifetime of Purpose
(37) God's Word is A Stumbling Block To Some
(38) God's Word is Demanding
(39) God's Word is Eternal
(40) God's Word is Everlasting
(41) God's Word is Dynamic
(42) God's Word is Perfect
(43) God's Word is Sure
(44) God's Word is Pure
(45) God's Word is Knowledge
(46) God's Word is Inspired and Inspirational
(47) God's Word is Final
(48) God's Word is The Living Waters
(49) God's Word is The Way of the Master
(50) God's Word is Alive
(51) God's Word is Active
(52) God's Word is Prophetic
(53) God's Word is Grace Filled
(54) God's Word is Wrath Filled
(55) God's Word is Righteous
(56) God's Word is Believed by Faith
(57) God's Word is Life
(58) God's Word is Taught
(59) God's Word is The Oracles of God
(60) God's Word is The Sword of the Spirit
(61) God's Word Testifies of Christ
(62) God's Word is Full and Sufficient
(63) God's Word is Able to Make Wise to Salvation
(64) God's Word is Profitable Both For Doctrine and Practice
(65) God's Word is Precious
(66) God's Word is Regenerating
(67) God's Word is Illuminating
(68) God's Word is Producing Obedience
(69) God's Word is Admonishing
(70) God's Word is Received With Meekness
(71) God's Word is Used to Answer Spiritual Enemies
(72) God's Word is Delightful
(73) God's Word is Esteemed Above All Things
(74) God's Word is Hidden In Our Hearts
(75) God's Word is Blessed
So, what will you do with God's Word today?
Are you obedient to His Holy Word?
God's Word demands faith and repentance. Without repentance there is no salvation. Without faith there is no salvation. Do you believe God's Word to be True? Then obey it with all you have to give, your heart, your mind, your soul and all your strength!
It all begins when you openthebible
Dude - I just listened to your clip on your profile.great job Sir. GLory to God.......was this revival in Knoxville Tenn?
I still am still blown away that no pastors came out to pray before the rivival started..wow.
Keep up the good work Brian
The revival took place in Galesburg, IL. Every church received a flyer with information asking for them to come pray for the revival. It was also posted in the local newspaper in the religion section AND a reporter from the paper did an interview with me and wrote up a very nice piece (a large article) and posted it in the paper too. And not a single pastor came to pray. I wasn't asking anyone for money, I wasn't asking for donations. I was only asking them to come and pray and to meet me and ask questions. No support from them at all. I found out later that someone from the Ministerial Alliance in town said that "as a group" they didn't think they should support it. I guess I shouldn't have told them that I would be preaching on God's Law, sin and the need for repentance along with God's grace! So where did the pastors send their people to on the very same day as the revival? They sent them out to the local high school to have them watch an Elvis impersonator present the gospel according to Elvis. It was more important to support a man who was an alcoholic, a womanizer, and a drug user. But because he also sang gospel songs, he MUST be a Christian! I'm not worried about it though. My sermon has still been heard by many people across the world so to God goes the glory!
I will be praying that God will bring some co-laborers your way...I understand what it's like...
(Happy Resurrection Day!)
thank you Nicole! I hope this Easter weekend brings a renewed spirit within you for reaching the lost. I hope all is going well as far as your future plans and your upcoming move to a new land!
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