Would you be more inclined to open your doors to these two girls? I would imagine the answer is yes. Let's pray that they come across a strong Christian who can show them the Truth of the Bible. They both say that they want 4-6 kids after they are finished with their missions. Nothing wrong with that other than the fact it is because of being a Mormon and they want their husbands to become gods of their own planets. They want to someday in heaven be eternally pregnant so they can fill their new planets with spirit babies! Do you see yet just how far they have gone from the Bible? They need our prayers!
Here you go. A handful of links for our mormon friends. As a former mormon, I know very well what the BOM teaches and doesn’t teach. I hope the mormon friends here will take the time to watch video’s and read the notes listed on these links. I hope you are all enjoying a nice warm winter so far!!
Brian Culver
(listen to audio of revival)
It doesn't matter to me if the Mormon missionaries are female or male; I just want them to come to my house!
Ever since I started street witnessing 3 years ago, I have not had a single JW or Mormon come to our house.
If you go to one the official LDS website,
from there you can order for free a BOM and request missionaries come to your door!!
I've seen a lot of female missionaries here. I always try to start a conversation with them. (They usually look lost...in more ways than one). But they never want to talk with me!!! Even the males...it's like, oh, "white girl...we're here just to convert Taiwanese..."
Either that, or they're just scared of me! haha.
Oh, I found out last week that I work a few blocks from the LDS church in Tainan...I took a wrong turn and passed it. I wanted to stop in...I'm a troublemaker! :)
I think you should walk in. Go inside with a bewildered look on your face and when they ask you if you have any questions...
Start asking away!!!!! Would be a good idea if you don't go in alone, take along another Christian friend. Take a Bible with you with pages and Scripture already for use!!
Warm winter?! What planet are you on?
4 degrees here and that's a "warm up".
"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.
Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should." --Ephesians 6:10-20
That is what this refers to. May God empower.
I had a friend sign me up for a free bom without me knowing it. They came and introduced themselves and said they recieved my request. That was an akward first visit but turned into over 6 months of visits and me being able to question them and them pondering on what they were supposed to be teaching me. Long story short, I think it worked out for God's glory even though my friend meant it as a joke.
j razz
that's cool! I just signed up a friend of mine this morning. I guess I better tell them the mormons are coming!!
hmmm...I could walk in with a friend and say, "I'm looking for a church...." Which isn't a lie considering my thoughts and feelings about where I'm going...
I can take my Bible...questions and the list of 24 questions to ask when looking for a church...
hmmm...hmmm...yeah!! sounds like fun!!!
When I lived in Indiana, I invited some missionaries in my house. I told them to come back in 3 days. One of the missionaries came with some big shot from the local LDS church. I remember I asked them if we could start out with some worship. They said, "Worship what?" I replied, "Um, the Lord." And the big shot asked, "How?" I said with song...I have a song and here's the lyrics. It was about God's glory and honor being in that place. In the middle of the song, they asked if we could stop. I knew that was coming, so I said, okay. The big shot said that the missionaries had told me a plan of salvation and wanted me to repeat it. I politely said, I would love to repeat it, but that's not what God wants to say here tonight! The big shot said, "God speaks to you?" I said, sure! Doesn't he speak to you?!? Then, Holy Spirit took charge of the conversation. I would quote something from the Bible and then open right to that scripture. I was amazed at the time because I was thinking, I don't ever remember reading this! (I had been a Christian for about a year). I invited my atheist neighbor over to check on me. When he walked in, he was taken back. Later he told me that he had those guys over before, and they always argue with him. He said the guys in my living room were SCARED!!!!
As a history major with a concentration in pre and colonial American history, I was also able to refute the intro to the bom. I told them there was no historical evidence and that it's a lie. The missionaries soon after ended their "meeting" with me.
I later told my neighbor they weren't scared of me...They could have both easily taken me out...and then I got to share the Gospel with him.
This was my first real witnessing encounter....I will never forget it...in my head, it's like it happened yesterday.
I notice the missionaries...they can't hide from me (nor God). I love them...so, deceived!
maybe I ought to send some mormons your way!!!!
Send them!!! Send them!!! But after I return from China (Feb 10th)! I even might go down to the LDS church when I get back...I need to find someone to go with me...
I just better not make the same mistake I did last time and call it the LSD church....
oops!! (You have no idea how hard it was to keep from laughing once I realized I said that...)
Hey, we've got the same first name! :)
My wife and I live about 3 blocks from a Mormon church. Guess how many times they've come to our door? ONCE! Guess what happened? I don't know, we were out of town when they came. You have no idea how bummed I was!
I really don't think the mormon missionaries go door to door as much as we suspect. I know they will visit if you order a Book of Mormon from the LDS website or call an 800 number. Otherwise, I think they mostly meet people out in the streets as they are riding their bikds. I could be wrong though.
Just one thought...
I wonder if there is a 'Mormon' website devoted to provoking other 'Christians' about their beliefs...?
Don't think so.
(Inverted commas intended).
sure there is...
it is called www.lds.org where they say that ALL other churches are apostate. I am sure you have heard of that one!!
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