Friday, June 20, 2008

Praise God!

We found out about 10 days ago that our senior pastor has stomach cancer.  Today was spent in the hospital waiting room.  I got off work around 8:30am and it is almost 5pm.  we just got the good news that they got all of the cancer!  The doctor took out 50% of his stomach but it looks like a complete recovery is going to happen!  We praise God for answered prayers!  

This should hopefully be a wake-up call to everyone.  None of us are guaranteed a tomorrow.  Have you had your annual physical exam lately?  It was because of an annual exam that our pastor found out about this cancer.  How many people never find out until it is too late?

We might be healthy today but tomorrow is a new day.  Are you prepared today in case something should happen to you?  Maybe your health will fail you.  Maybe you will be in a car accident?  Maybe Jesus will return tonight! We just don't know what the future holds.

Have you put your faith and trust in Jesus?
Have you repented of your sins?
How many people have you talked to about Christ?

The time we spend doing "things" is so large and the time we spend evangelizing the lost is so little.

How important is reaching the lost to you?
Get yourself right with God.
Do it today!

Do not take tomorrow for granted.  Make the most of your days.  Be totally devoted to serving God in all you do.

We thank God today and everyday for answered prayers.  We do not always get the answer we want.  Today we did!

Thank you God and I pray that we all are obedient to your Word.
Sing praises to God!


michelle said...

Praise God indeed!

Anonymous said...

Good news indeed.

Praise the Lord!!!
